My Journey into the World of Energy – Moving From Dismissal to Embracement

You’ve heard me talk a lot about meditation and energy work. They are a big part of my life now and I can’t imagine not using them on a daily basis. Today, I want to talk a little about my journey to meditating/energy work to demonstrate how important it can be and that anyone can do it.

I have been a physical therapist for the past 24 years. So I guess you can say that the human body has been a focus of mine for almost a quarter century. I began my career as a very tunnel visioned, black and white, show me the scientific proof kind of therapist. Energy work wasn’t even on my radar. It was too woo woo for me.

Then came my foray into the world of acupuncture. I was at a point where I had taken a ton of post graduate courses and exams specializing in orthopaedics and sports physio. Learning about acupuncture and Eastern Medicine was a breath of fresh air. It was so different and I loved learning about it. This was my first exposure to energy work of any description and I gobbled it up.

My patients would comment on the sensations they would feel in their bodies during an acupuncture treatment. I was a little skeptical about what they were saying as I didn’t feel what they described when I had needles in my body.

In fact, when people would ask me what I feel in my body during any kind of treatment, I would say, “what are you talking about? What do you mean, what do I feel in my body?” I was so up in my head and disconnected from my body, that I had no awareness of how my body felt.

I had spent years experiencing pain in my back from a disc injury and neck pain as well. My method of coping with pain was to ignore it, push it aside and medicate when I couldn’t ignore it any more, so I could push through it. I didn’t want to feel the pain and I didn’t want it to hold me back in any way so I cut myself off from acknowledging it by staying up in my head and disconnecting from my body. Hence the total unawareness of different sensations in my body. And when we cut ourselves off from feeling the “bad” sensations such as pain, we also cut ourselves off from feeling the “good” sensations such as pleasure. We then exist in this state of neutrality – not too bad and not too good.

So I knew that acupuncture worked from seeing the results in my patients and that they reported feeling energy in their bodies. I was warming up to this “energy” stuff since it seemed to make a difference. But I still couldn’t feel much.

Then one day, my world changed in a blink of an eye, when I received a phone call from my parents. Mom had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to her liver. It was terminal as it had already spread in her body. I booked the next flight home and so began almost three months of caring for and watching my mom transition from this world. I am so blessed to have had that time with her.

During the time following my mom’s passing, I began looking at my priorities and looking at how I was living my life. I felt like something was missing and I was drawn to different energy courses. Took my level 1 Reiki and spent 2 years working with an intuitive, learning how to do “psychic” readings. My intention at that time was not to become an intuitive. It was simply to learn more about myself, grow personally and evolve spiritually. It was a whole new world for me and I loved it! Having not had a religious upbringing of any kind, I really didn’t have a particular faith. I still don’t have a religious faith per say but now believe in a Higher Power and I am not attached to any label put on it.

Took so many workshops and courses on personal development and evolution of my soul. I now see them as all connecting threads leading to where I am now. The tunnelled visioned, science minded girl who was cut off from her body morphed into a girl that is connected with her body and open to the possibilities that are available to her. In fact, I now believe from observing myself and my patients over the years that our bodies are giving us messages all the time. Pain is just one way our Soul is trying to communicate with us, as are other sensations. We just need to be aware of the signals and listen to what they are telling us. By the way, science totally supports energy and energy work and that it is real. But that is for another day…

What has changed my world the most is taking energy school 4 years ago where I learned how to “see” energy in people and see their blocks and then use energy tools to shift and move through the blocks. I use the tools every day in my life and it has taken me from being a victim and reacting to life to a powerful creator that takes responsibility for my life. It is SUCH a different feeling, let me tell ya! And it is SO MUCH better! I had no idea that my journey would land me here as an intuitive energy coach! Not something I could have wrapped my head around even 10 years ago. Gotta love how fascinating this life journey is!

So I completely get it if you are skeptical about energy work and think it is “woo woo”. I was you! I have been there. And it is possible to move from dismissal to skepticism to curiosity to acceptance to embracement. All it requires is just being open to learning something new. That’s all:)

I wish everyone knew these tools! In fact, stay tuned because I am jumping off my seat excited about a course I am developing to get this work out into the world. Absolutely everyone can learn and use these energy tools. You don’t need to be “gifted” in order to interact with energy. We all have the ability. You just need to be shown the way. And you will learn so much about yourself. Self-awareness is so empowering and it is the key to creating the life you want.

The course will be ready really soon so stay tuned and I will keep you posted!

Until next time,

Much love,


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