Wow! I can’t believe it has been a year and a half since I held my first activation circle in my home.
It has been amazing to have a group of open hearted women gather together each month, committed to remembering the truth of who they are, navigating whatever they are going through and allowing themselves to receive.
The circle is a safe space of acceptance and compassion where you can show up exactly as you are and leave feeling relaxed, at peace, stronger and clearer.
It doesn’t matter where you are on your awakening journey or what experience you have with energy work. You are lovingly guided every step of the way. Your experience is unique as you receive what is in the highest for you at the time.
“Glenda’s activation circle always provides me with exactly what I need that month. Even when I’ve had a seemingly hopeless few weeks and am full of anxiety and fear, I always end up so relaxed and at peace by the end of our time together. I come to the circle without expectation and always leave with a deeper understanding of myself and what it is I am meant to be doing”. ~ Lindsay Clunes
“Every single time I attend an activation circle with Glenda, the theme that comes through is always in alignment with what’s going on in my own life. I so appreciate the safe, welcoming space that she creates and I always leave with exactly what I needed. Glenda has a wise, comforting essence and I highly recommend attending her circles.” ~ Richelle Ludwig
The days of trying to go it alone are in the past. The future involves a coming together. It involves sisterhood, connection and compassion.
“Glenda has such a nurturing spirit and really helps ground and connect humans. Her monthly activation circle provides a safe space for women to be vulnerable, share in joy, but also to work through whatever crap is going on in life that month. Glenda’s circles enable you to tap into your heart. For me, they are also an opportunity to connect to many other amazing women who constantly remind me that I am not alone in whatever I am feeling.” ~ Kelsey Kimmel
“The activation circles are beneficial on so many levels from the power of a gathering of women to Glenda’s gentle guidance and channeling. It is so helpful to be guided into places within yourself that you might not have normally explored or given questions to ask yourself that you might not stop to think and ask in the same way. I always walk away with a deeper understanding and a more clear outlook. These circles have also really helped deepen the quality of my own regular meditation practice.” ~ Kim Gowetor
Why did I name the activation circle the Circle of Galadria? It’s quite a funny story actually! I was on retreat with my mentor, Jennifer Hough, and at one point, she looked at me and said “I know your name is Glenda but every time I look at you, I see this glowing elven princess and want to call you a different name”. A soul sister then yelled out “Galadria! from the Lord of the Rings”. I have since found out that the name is actually Galadriel but for the rest of the retreat I was jokingly called Galadria and the name has stuck. Then I googled “Galadria” and found that she is a comic character who is a kind individual with magical healing abilities and it is also the name of a book trilogy about a magical city called Galadria. You just can’t make this stuff up! So it goes without saying that I had to include Galadria in the naming of my circle.
The circles typically have a theme each month. They are very experiential as you are guided by me (and my Divine connection) into meditation/energy work. There is no doing it right or wrong. Your experience is exactly what is meant to happen. And yes, I do pull an oracle card which is always bang on with the theme that has been chosen. Funny how that works!:) There is time to share your experience if you feel called to as a way of integrating your shifts even further. A lot of magic happens in the sharing!
During the Circle of Galadria, I also channel light language.
Light Language is a beautiful energetic language that facilitates connection to your soul through speaking directly to your heart, bypassing the mind. It is the language of Creation. The Language of Light opens our soul to higher frequencies and helps us to transform. It is a way of obtaining energy frequency upgrades by assisting you to receive, remember, awaken and initiate your soul and life purpose.
The frequencies of light language bring in high vibrational frequency energies that help with spiritual activation, shifts in consciousness, facilitating light body restructuring, reprogramming of DNA and receiving information needed.
I have heard from many women that they wish they lived closer or that it be held at a different time and day so that they could attend. I wondered what I could create to serve those that simply couldn’t make it but wanted to.
I’ve sat with this for a while and the idea came to me while in meditation, of course:).
It is time to expand the circle for more of our Sisters to join!
The Heart Activation Circle of Galadria is now online!
Each month, we gather via Zoom, and come together in circle with women around the world. We will expand the vortex of love that is created and add to the potency of circle’s energy. It will be a time for you to give to yourself and join with other hearts, in the comfort of your own home.
You can join Zoom via your computer, the Zoom app on your phone and by phoning in as well.
It will also be recorded so that if you can’t make it live, you can experience it at a time that works for you. Even if you aren’t live, your energy will be included in the circle so the recording is timeless. The light language channeling will be part of the recording and you can listen to it again and again and receive the activation many times instead of just once.
And there’s more!!!!!!!
You will receive even more support during a second Zoom call during the month which will include Q&A, teachings, energy tools and will be tailored according to the desires and needs of the group. It will be a time when you can receive answers for your own as well as others’ questions. It is an amazing way to further integrate the shifts that result from the circle, into your life.
This isn’t a one time event. Each month builds and expands on the next one. This is a journey of to-get-her-ness, of self-discovery, acceptance and love and I am with you all the way.
Life can get quite busy. It’s important to take time-out for yourself. Self-care, nurturing, relaxing and turning inward are all part of the activation circle. It’s a beautiful way to give yourself what your soul wants and needs in order to have the life you desire.
“I love attending activation circles because I’m learning more and more about how to connect with myself and my heart, and I love how relaxed and calm I feel after attending one. I feel like there’s more to life than what we know or see on the surface. And I have a better understanding of being part of something bigger. Thank you Glenda for being a catalyst in this journey of mine!” ~ Michelle Murray
“Glenda’s activation circles provide a safe space to explore themes about self-love and spirituality. She teaches powerful lessons and holds space for women to share their struggles in a way that confirms we are not alone. Glenda also has the power of speaking light language, which is so healing energetically, and my experience of these circles is that it activates me to energetically create shifts in my life, no matter what is going on – both challenges and successes – it just takes me to another level. Thank you Glenda for being such an amazing gift in this world! I highly recommend her activation circles for deeper self-love and sisterhood!” ~ Rosalyn Fung, Intuitive Mindset & Visionary Business Coach
Features summary:
1 monthly 90-minute online activation circle on Zoom complete with the recording (first Wednesday evening of the month at 7 pm MST) – Value $25 circle + $10 recording
1 monthly 60 minute Q&A, teaching energy tools call on Zoom complete with recording approximately 2 weeks after the circle (3rd Sunday evening of the month at 7 pm MST). – Value $200 + $10
A Private Facebook Group for connecting with like-minded/like-hearted women where you can share and learn from each other including me! – Value $50
Because I want to make this offering accessible to women who desire this form of activation, connection and support, I am offering the membership for a special price of $50.40/month ($48 + GST)! This is an amazing price for the value you will receive!
If this is speaking to your soul and resonating with your desires, please join us by clicking the Subscribe button below. The Circle is ready and waiting for you to follow your “yes“. Come and play with other women who are also feeling the call to come home to their hearts and be with each other as we navigate this adventure called life.